28/06/2021 by InflowControl
SPE Colombia Heavy Oil Annual Meeting
InflowControl will be presenting at the upcoming SPE Colombia Heavy Oil Annual Meeting, “Big challenges, Heavy solutions”, on July 8th.
InflowControl will be presenting at the upcoming SPE Colombia Heavy Oil Annual Meeting, “Big challenges, Heavy solutions”, on July 8th.
Presentation titled: "Tecnología AICV minimiza producción de agua y gas, optimizando la producción de petróleo y reduciendo el impacto ambiental en campos de crudo pesado en Colombia y Oman” / “AICV technology minimizes water and gas production, optimizing oil production and reducing environmental impact on heavy oil fields in Colombia and Oman”. Authored by Alberto A. Uzcategui, Steven Fipke, and Juan Luis Molina.
The presentation will discuss the AICV® technology and its application in heavy oil reservoirs, where operators have been able to produce more by-passed oil by choking-off unwanted water and gas. The AICV® has not only improved the recovery factor of these reservoirs but has also reduced the environmental impact of the operations by decreasing the electricity requirements and gas flaring. The utilization of the AICV® technology can provide significant oil production improvement benefits to heavy oil fields located in Colombia and help operators reducing their carbon footprint.
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